

Scuba diving with kids made easy at Jean Michel-Cousteau Resort

Put plain and simple, our family are a scuba-diving family.

Five out of six of us are certified divers; it’s only our youngest (at six) who isn’t certified and, let me tell you, she is absolutely desperate to reach the minimum diving age! Only two years to go!

Our three other children (10, 12, and 14) all completed their scuba-diving courses at Jean Michel-Cousteau Resort and, although many Fijian resorts offer scuba-diving courses in some capacity for children; we highly recommend the courses on offer at Jean Michel-Cousteau Resort.

And while Fiji holds many drawcards for families – travel time is manageable for younger children and luxurious-feeling holidays are most definitely affordable – it’s the underwater adventures that hold our family’s attention the most when we visit.

So, when our kids reached the minimum diving age (10), it just made sense for them to complete their diving courses, and what better place than at Jean Michel-Cousteau.

JMC main pool: photo FFF
JMC main pool: photo FFF
Namena Marine reserve,photo: Geoffrey Koroi
Namena Marine reserve,photo: Geoffrey Koroi

How to get started scuba diving with kids in Fiji

If your child expresses an interest in learning to scuba dive, then you are in luck! Not only is the marine life amazing in Fiji but the courses offered are safe and recognised by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI), meaning that once certified, your kids can enjoy diving back home as well.

The Cousteau Dive Centre at Jean Michel-Cousteau Resort caters to beginning divers and works to tailor programmes to suit families, particularly if they are of different ages or abilities, which is perfect for the youngest of divers!

Before jumping head first into the diving courses though, you may want to try snorkelling with your child first. This will allow them to experience marine sea life and get them used to the idea and feeling of breathing underwater.

An added benefit of starting your child’s snorkelling experience at Jean Michel-Cousteau are the dedicated family snorkelling trips that are provided through the Dive Centre, allowing the whole family to experience snorkelling together.



Namena Marine reserve,photo: Geoffrey Koroi
Namena Marine reserve,photo: Geoffrey Koroi
Charlie And Jean-Michel: photo FFF
Charlie And Jean-Michel: photo FFF

Benefits of scuba diving for kids

If your child is interested in diving, ready, and able dive, then there are many benefits in favour of scuba diving for kids.

Our family is passionate about experiencing as much as we can in life, together. We love giving time to our family and spending that time exploring nature and finding out about the world around us.

So, scuba diving is a natural and exciting thing for us to do together as a family. After we dive we spend so much time talking about what we saw (and sometimes what we didn’t see!) and how marine life survives. We talk about conservation and the natural environment, and these shared experiences bring us closer together.

We also love that diving allows our children to take concrete concepts and apply them in the real world making our kids more critical in their thinking. They need to know and apply sign language under water, use maths concepts, and they also get to take in the natural world and consider their place in it.

It’s a magical thing to see a child experience something they have wondered about for a long time.

Namena Marine reserve,image:BrettMonroeGarner
Namena Marine reserve,image:BrettMonroeGarner
Namena Marine reserve,image:BrettMonroeGarner
Namena Marine reserve,image:BrettMonroeGarner

Scuba diving with kids at Jean Michel-Cousteau Resort

Fiji will always be a second home for us, and Jean Michel-Cousteau Resort is a favourite destination of ours for a number of reasons.

Along with being very well known as one of the most family-friendly resorts in the world, they won Best Luxury Resort in 2018!

Apart from boasting the most amazing diving experiences, there are two things that stand out for us:

  1. Every child under 6 years old has a dedicated Fijian nanny; and
  2. Kids who take complete scuba diving courses at the resort are confident divers.

For us, these two things are paramount to us enjoying a relaxing scuba-diving experience. We know that our youngest child is being cared for while we dive; and we know that our other children are competent and confident divers and we don’t need to be watching out for them while we dive. We get to relax and take in the breathtaking underwater scenery!

If you want to experience an exceptional scuba-diving holiday with your family, then get in touch  today: call 1300 564 466 or email Bula@fijiforfamilies.com.au or Check the latest Special

Fiji 2015

Fiji 2015

What to pack when travelling to Fiji with your family

You won’t be going anywhere without your Passport and at least 6 months validity on it!

You’ve gone ahead and booked a trip to Fiji for you and your family and you couldn’t be more excited! That feeling of looking forward to a holiday can easily be described as euphoric. Especially if it’s the first time you’ve travelled as a family or if you haven’t had a holiday in a very, very long time!

As the day of your adventure gets closer, you may be getting more and more excited. Or if you’re anything like most parents, may also have spent a lot of time Googling “what to pack when travelling to Fiji with kids”.

Along with the obvious – swimmers, hats, loose and light clothing, and flip flops – here are some tips to make you feel less anxious and more prepared when it comes to packing for your kids.


The Warwick

Medical supplies for the whole family

It’s always good to take an emergency medical kit whenever you go travelling with a young family. However, even the most basic of medical supplies are either expensive in Fiji or simply not available.

So, don’t forget your medical kit when you’re packing and make sure to include these essentials:

  • Panadol or Nurofen (for kids and grown-ups)
  • Insect repellent (tropical strength would be best)
  • Band aids, steri strips
  • Stingoes (or something similar for insect bites)
  • Tea tree oil or antiseptic cream (like Betadine)
  • Antihistamine
  • Thermometer
  • Sunscreen (Coral Friendly and lots of it – not only is it expensive in Fiji but it’s a necessity to wear and reapply each day)

If you’re worried that your kids or you yourself may be prone to some upset tummies (some of us can’t quite handle the tap water in Fiji) then remember to pack some rehydration electrolytes and some Imodium (only recommended for children over 2 years).

Essentials for babies and toddlers

If you’re travelling with babies or young toddlers, then you should pack whatever you would take in a nappy bag on a run-of-the-mill trip to the shops, only in bulk.

So, don’t forget:

  • Nappies, waterproof as well (and lots because they’re expensive in Fiji)
  • Wet wipes
  • Antibacterial gel
  • Nappy rash cream
  • Teething rusks

Also consider packing some baby- and toddler-friendly food, particularly if you have a fussy eater. Although most resorts in Fiji offer great and varied buffet food packages, if you’re sure your little one will baulk at a lot, then pack their favourite rice cracker snacks, baby food pouches, or cereal. Most dry and packaged food is cleared at customs in Fiji.


Essentials for young kids

One word, books. And lots of them.

Bring along a favourite that can be relied upon when all else fails. Buy a new one for the holiday that you can use on the flight to distract them or keep them busy. Consider bringing colouring-in books and crayons as well – always good to fill in time or quieten their minds as they begin to wind down for the evening.

As a side note: if you plan on visiting local schools or communities while in Fiji, colouring books and crayons are always a welcomed (and inexpensive for travellers) gift to bring along to say thank you.

Essentials for tweens and teenagers

Ideally your tween or teenager will be so busy swimming, surfing, or snorkelling, you won’t have to try and keep them entertained. Most of the resorts have a kids’ club and there are some that are specifically tailored to older children.

However, you know your tween or teen, and you know how susceptible they are to mood swings.

If you have any intentions of a device-free trip to Fiji, you may find this difficult to uphold, particularly if your older child is on social media or into gaming.

I would suggest packing the tablet and/or portable gaming console and their own set of headphones anyway, as these will come in useful on the flight over or in transit between resorts or islands. They may also come in handy when it comes to encouraging your child to make good behaviour choices.

If your older child likes to journal, it may also be a fun (and educational) idea for them to bring along their own books and pens so that they can reflect on their adventure each evening and try to commit their traveling memories to paper.

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Those little extras that can make all the difference

While you’re busy happily planning and packing, consider these extras that could make all the difference to your holiday to Fiji with your family:

  • Reef shoes – if you plan on getting up close and personal with the beaches and the reef, then a pair of reef shoes for everyone in the family is a must. Many trips have been affected by an unfortunate incident with coral.
  • Underwater cameras – although most smart phones are water resistant and you could potentially take them in the water with you, you most likely don’t want to risk dropping them or taking them into the deep. Underwater cameras can make for amazing and memorable photos!
  • Your own mask, snorkel, or goggles – while many resorts will have these on offer for guests, they can be scratched or well-worn. If you plan on spending a lot of time swimming and appreciating the spectacular underwater scenery, then pack your own.
  • Chargers – cameras, go pros, and smart phones all need electricity, so don’t forget your chargers! Fiji has the same plug and power supply as Australia, so as a bonus you won’t need to take any adapters.

But most of all …

Remember that the most fantastic of memories are made when travelling with children. Whether you’re seeking fun and adventure or rest and relaxation, Fiji has it on offer; all you need to do is reach up and grab it with both hands!

Want to know more about travelling to Fiji with your family?

We love to chat! Call Fiji for Families on 1300 564 466 or email us Bula@fijiforfamilies.com.au