
Scuba diving with kids made easy at Jean Michel-Cousteau Resort

Put plain and simple, our family are a scuba-diving family.

Five out of six of us are certified divers; it’s only our youngest (at six) who isn’t certified and, let me tell you, she is absolutely desperate to reach the minimum diving age! Only two years to go!

Our three other children (10, 12, and 14) all completed their scuba-diving courses at Jean Michel-Cousteau Resort and, although many Fijian resorts offer scuba-diving courses in some capacity for children; we highly recommend the courses on offer at Jean Michel-Cousteau Resort.

And while Fiji holds many drawcards for families – travel time is manageable for younger children and luxurious-feeling holidays are most definitely affordable – it’s the underwater adventures that hold our family’s attention the most when we visit.

So, when our kids reached the minimum diving age (10), it just made sense for them to complete their diving courses, and what better place than at Jean Michel-Cousteau.

JMC main pool: photo FFF
JMC main pool: photo FFF
Namena Marine reserve,photo: Geoffrey Koroi
Namena Marine reserve,photo: Geoffrey Koroi

How to get started scuba diving with kids in Fiji

If your child expresses an interest in learning to scuba dive, then you are in luck! Not only is the marine life amazing in Fiji but the courses offered are safe and recognised by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI), meaning that once certified, your kids can enjoy diving back home as well.

The Cousteau Dive Centre at Jean Michel-Cousteau Resort caters to beginning divers and works to tailor programmes to suit families, particularly if they are of different ages or abilities, which is perfect for the youngest of divers!

Before jumping head first into the diving courses though, you may want to try snorkelling with your child first. This will allow them to experience marine sea life and get them used to the idea and feeling of breathing underwater.

An added benefit of starting your child’s snorkelling experience at Jean Michel-Cousteau are the dedicated family snorkelling trips that are provided through the Dive Centre, allowing the whole family to experience snorkelling together.



Namena Marine reserve,photo: Geoffrey Koroi
Namena Marine reserve,photo: Geoffrey Koroi
Charlie And Jean-Michel: photo FFF
Charlie And Jean-Michel: photo FFF

Benefits of scuba diving for kids

If your child is interested in diving, ready, and able dive, then there are many benefits in favour of scuba diving for kids.

Our family is passionate about experiencing as much as we can in life, together. We love giving time to our family and spending that time exploring nature and finding out about the world around us.

So, scuba diving is a natural and exciting thing for us to do together as a family. After we dive we spend so much time talking about what we saw (and sometimes what we didn’t see!) and how marine life survives. We talk about conservation and the natural environment, and these shared experiences bring us closer together.

We also love that diving allows our children to take concrete concepts and apply them in the real world making our kids more critical in their thinking. They need to know and apply sign language under water, use maths concepts, and they also get to take in the natural world and consider their place in it.

It’s a magical thing to see a child experience something they have wondered about for a long time.

Namena Marine reserve,image:BrettMonroeGarner
Namena Marine reserve,image:BrettMonroeGarner
Namena Marine reserve,image:BrettMonroeGarner
Namena Marine reserve,image:BrettMonroeGarner

Scuba diving with kids at Jean Michel-Cousteau Resort

Fiji will always be a second home for us, and Jean Michel-Cousteau Resort is a favourite destination of ours for a number of reasons.

Along with being very well known as one of the most family-friendly resorts in the world, they won Best Luxury Resort in 2018!

Apart from boasting the most amazing diving experiences, there are two things that stand out for us:

  1. Every child under 6 years old has a dedicated Fijian nanny; and
  2. Kids who take complete scuba diving courses at the resort are confident divers.

For us, these two things are paramount to us enjoying a relaxing scuba-diving experience. We know that our youngest child is being cared for while we dive; and we know that our other children are competent and confident divers and we don’t need to be watching out for them while we dive. We get to relax and take in the breathtaking underwater scenery!

If you want to experience an exceptional scuba-diving holiday with your family, then get in touch  today: call 1300 564 466 or email Bula@fijiforfamilies.com.au or Check the latest Special

Fiji 2015

Fiji 2015

What to pack when travelling to Fiji with your family

You won’t be going anywhere without your Passport and at least 6 months validity on it!

You’ve gone ahead and booked a trip to Fiji for you and your family and you couldn’t be more excited! That feeling of looking forward to a holiday can easily be described as euphoric. Especially if it’s the first time you’ve travelled as a family or if you haven’t had a holiday in a very, very long time!

As the day of your adventure gets closer, you may be getting more and more excited. Or if you’re anything like most parents, may also have spent a lot of time Googling “what to pack when travelling to Fiji with kids”.

Along with the obvious – swimmers, hats, loose and light clothing, and flip flops – here are some tips to make you feel less anxious and more prepared when it comes to packing for your kids.


The Warwick

Medical supplies for the whole family

It’s always good to take an emergency medical kit whenever you go travelling with a young family. However, even the most basic of medical supplies are either expensive in Fiji or simply not available.

So, don’t forget your medical kit when you’re packing and make sure to include these essentials:

  • Panadol or Nurofen (for kids and grown-ups)
  • Insect repellent (tropical strength would be best)
  • Band aids, steri strips
  • Stingoes (or something similar for insect bites)
  • Tea tree oil or antiseptic cream (like Betadine)
  • Antihistamine
  • Thermometer
  • Sunscreen (Coral Friendly and lots of it – not only is it expensive in Fiji but it’s a necessity to wear and reapply each day)

If you’re worried that your kids or you yourself may be prone to some upset tummies (some of us can’t quite handle the tap water in Fiji) then remember to pack some rehydration electrolytes and some Imodium (only recommended for children over 2 years).

Essentials for babies and toddlers

If you’re travelling with babies or young toddlers, then you should pack whatever you would take in a nappy bag on a run-of-the-mill trip to the shops, only in bulk.

So, don’t forget:

  • Nappies, waterproof as well (and lots because they’re expensive in Fiji)
  • Wet wipes
  • Antibacterial gel
  • Nappy rash cream
  • Teething rusks

Also consider packing some baby- and toddler-friendly food, particularly if you have a fussy eater. Although most resorts in Fiji offer great and varied buffet food packages, if you’re sure your little one will baulk at a lot, then pack their favourite rice cracker snacks, baby food pouches, or cereal. Most dry and packaged food is cleared at customs in Fiji.


Essentials for young kids

One word, books. And lots of them.

Bring along a favourite that can be relied upon when all else fails. Buy a new one for the holiday that you can use on the flight to distract them or keep them busy. Consider bringing colouring-in books and crayons as well – always good to fill in time or quieten their minds as they begin to wind down for the evening.

As a side note: if you plan on visiting local schools or communities while in Fiji, colouring books and crayons are always a welcomed (and inexpensive for travellers) gift to bring along to say thank you.

Essentials for tweens and teenagers

Ideally your tween or teenager will be so busy swimming, surfing, or snorkelling, you won’t have to try and keep them entertained. Most of the resorts have a kids’ club and there are some that are specifically tailored to older children.

However, you know your tween or teen, and you know how susceptible they are to mood swings.

If you have any intentions of a device-free trip to Fiji, you may find this difficult to uphold, particularly if your older child is on social media or into gaming.

I would suggest packing the tablet and/or portable gaming console and their own set of headphones anyway, as these will come in useful on the flight over or in transit between resorts or islands. They may also come in handy when it comes to encouraging your child to make good behaviour choices.

If your older child likes to journal, it may also be a fun (and educational) idea for them to bring along their own books and pens so that they can reflect on their adventure each evening and try to commit their traveling memories to paper.

PJ-0003 copy

Those little extras that can make all the difference

While you’re busy happily planning and packing, consider these extras that could make all the difference to your holiday to Fiji with your family:

  • Reef shoes – if you plan on getting up close and personal with the beaches and the reef, then a pair of reef shoes for everyone in the family is a must. Many trips have been affected by an unfortunate incident with coral.
  • Underwater cameras – although most smart phones are water resistant and you could potentially take them in the water with you, you most likely don’t want to risk dropping them or taking them into the deep. Underwater cameras can make for amazing and memorable photos!
  • Your own mask, snorkel, or goggles – while many resorts will have these on offer for guests, they can be scratched or well-worn. If you plan on spending a lot of time swimming and appreciating the spectacular underwater scenery, then pack your own.
  • Chargers – cameras, go pros, and smart phones all need electricity, so don’t forget your chargers! Fiji has the same plug and power supply as Australia, so as a bonus you won’t need to take any adapters.

But most of all …

Remember that the most fantastic of memories are made when travelling with children. Whether you’re seeking fun and adventure or rest and relaxation, Fiji has it on offer; all you need to do is reach up and grab it with both hands!

Want to know more about travelling to Fiji with your family?

We love to chat! Call Fiji for Families on 1300 564 466 or email us Bula@fijiforfamilies.com.au

Sailing The Yasawa Islands, Fiji

Our kids have visited Fiji more times that we can count. To say they’ve been going their whole lives wouldn’t be an understatement.

But it dawned on us that we’ve always stayed in resorts.

So, when Kate suggested recreating one of her most memorable childhood trips – sailing around the Yasawa Islands – we couldn’t resist. And when we shared the idea about our newest adventure with our 4 kids, we all started getting very excited.

Over the next six months we planned our eight-day sailing trip. We had lists everywhere – where to stop off, what to pack, what we would eat each day. The trip was all we talked about.

And then the day of epic family adventure arrived!

The night before we were due to sail out, we met our Captain, Sam, in Nadi. He happily fielded endless questions from the kids: What fish they would catch? Where could they go snorkelling? What was sleeping on a sail boat like? And he showed us around our new home for the next eight days; the 44ft catamaran, Oniva.

Unfortunately, there was a looming cyclone, which was a bit concerning; however, Sam assured us he knew of and was tracking the latest weather updates, to ensure we would miss it.

The next morning was meant to be our first day sailing. We met Sam and offloaded our luggage onto the Oniva, which included dry food we brought from Australia (breakfast cereal, pasta, and biscuits) that was allowed through customs.

While Kate and the kids unpacked, Sam and I headed to the bustling markets in Nadi to stock up on fresh fruit, vegetables, and to pick up our vacuum-packed (and frozen) meat we had pre-ordered from a local butcher. We were mindful not to forget the most important staple, drinks. Despite our extensive planning, we realised we’d overlooked a few essentials. Unfortunately, the only place we could buy these missing essentials was at the marina, at over-inflated prices.

Instead of facing Cyclone Mona, Sam decided it would be safer to leave the following day. That evening we relaxed with cold drinks in hand and watched the sun disappear behind the clouds dusting them with orange, red (always a good sign), and violet. We tucked into barbecued steaks for dinner and went to bed early, eager to set sail in the morning, if the weather permitted.

Oniva, home for 8 nights
The Village on Waya Island
Great Trek high on Waya
Mollys loved the snorkelling, crystal clear in the Blue Lagoon

On day two, we awoke early to sunshine and clearing skies, and Sam decided it was safe to set sail! We motored out of the marina, and with Denarau behind us, we launched the sails and headed north-west for the Yasawa Islands, 60 kilometres away.

With a soft tropical breeze and the gentle sway of the boat, our little family escape had begun. The kids quickly fell into holiday mode as they lay dozing on the front net.

For lunch we feasted on ham and salad wraps as we sailed past Vomo Island (the last of the Mamanuca Islands) and headed to the Yasawas.

Six hours later, the dramatic Yawa Island, with its jagged, mist-covered peaks appeared on the horizon. We anchored in a secluded bay, near a deserted beach.

Keen for a swim, everyone dived in. The kids loved jumping off the side of the boat. They were so preoccupied with snorkelling and relaxing on deck, they hadn’t mentioned any form of technology once. Kate and I sat in awe, thankful we had already found paradise.

Our third day in Fiji started with a quick breakfast of cereal and fruit. Sam had organised an island trek with a local guide named Solo. His plan was to hike up one of the tallest peaks within the Yasawa Islands. Whilst steep, and often precarious, we puffed our way to the top and despite four kids, the only whining was from me, (though Solo sometimes carried Molly, our 6 year old, on his back).

Achieving something tough as a family helped us bond. It was such an important reminder that time truly is the greatest gift you can give your children.

From the summit, we could see the rest of the Yasawa Islands; pockets of perfection leading to the horizon. From here, our tiny catamaran was just a dot in the bay, a reminder we were the only people here.

We returned to the Oniva, sweaty and exhausted, but before lunch we took the tender to a cute beach where only our footprints squeaked in the sand; it was otherwise undisturbed. I tried taking a photo to capture this, but the kids were more interested in diving into the turquoise waters, which had beckoned them on our hike back down the mountain.

That afternoon, we visited the local village on Yawa, drank kava, and danced as they played happy songs on guitars and ukuleles.We popped in to visit the village school where curly-haired youngsters with beaming smiles laughed and waved. Our kids made instant friends with the locals, who led them into the onshore breakers using whatever could float; broken surfboards, paddle boards or just bits of wood. They had fun as they laughed and played in the waves.

Beautiful walk through a Forest in the Blue Lagoon
The Kids loved it!

It’s making memorable travel moments like these that makes all the hard work saving and planning worthwhile.

Early on our fourth day we sailed towards the renowned Blue Lagoon (which the 1980s movie of the same name is based on). Along the way a pod of spinner dolphins joined us, surfing off the bow, leaping and twisting out of the water. Just when we thought our holiday couldn’t get better, Fiji surprised us once more.

We arrived at lunchtime and dropped anchor off Tavewa Island; so perfect, it belonged on a brochure. With visibility so clear, you could see fish and coral below without getting into the water.

After a lunch of noodles and fruit, we jumped in for a refreshing swim before Sam took us onto the island to meet his relatives. The island boasted thatched huts nestled amongst swaying palms and we could have spent days exploring, but the kids were begging to get back into the water.

We were in awe when we discovered magnificent snorkelling not far away, off Nanuya Island. We were often surrounded by multi-coloured fish from yellow to blue, green to purple, black to orange. There were hard corals forming huge mounds and soft coral red fans swaying in the current. It was incredible and something the kids will never forget.

Fiji for Families
Picture perfect

It’s making memorable travel moments like these that makes all the hard work saving and planning worthwhile.

Day five saw us sail north of the Blue Lagoon to visit the ancient limestone, Sawa-I-Lau caves, which were all ours to explore. The kids climbed up the rocks and jumped into the cool fresh water of the cave; their squeals and laughter echoed off the walls.

Afterwards we explored Yasawa Island and Sam took us to Champagne Beach, another perfect, white-sand paradise, just for us. The kids body surfed as Kate and I relaxed and planned our next trip to Fiji.

That afternoon the winds picked up, so Sam suggested we move back to the protected, Blue Lagoon.

By day six work and school were a distant memory as we sailed south stopping at Long Beach where we caught a huge barracuda. We couldn’t eat it all ourselves, so we shared with a local family, who were ecstatic. The rest of the afternoon involved playing on the beach and swimming. Each day as wonderful as the last.

We stopped at Barefoot Kuata Resort, for a short hike to a lookout, and to explore the resort aquarium. After indulging in a few cold beers we rejoined the Oniva, to find our anchorage spot for the night.

We settled on, Paradise Cove, a peaceful little bay, which delighted us with a stunning sunset. Once the clouds disappeared the dazzling Milky Way filled the sky.

Our second last day was a big sailing day, so we filled up on cereal then headed off, before a lunch stop at the stunning Vomo Island.

We had a long swim in their magnificent pool and beautiful lunch , although they rarely accept day trippers, we were super lucky when they said yes to our special request! It was greatly appreciated!

The day ended in Musket Cove (where Kate spent a lot of time as a child when she was sailing around Fiji), which revealed the greatest sunset on our entire trip. Fiery reds and oranges, and deep purples splashed across low clouds.

Dinner that night was pizza, yet another treat at the marina at Musket Cove.

Amazing underwater world in the Yasawa Islands
A snorkelers paradise

On our last day onboard the Oniva, Sam took us to a famous surfing hotspot, Cloudbreak. The waves were heaving and it was inspiring seeing the raw power of the ocean. Conditions weren’t great for snorkelling so we headed to our drop-off point, Castaway Island. A fitting end to what was one of the best weeks we’ve ever experienced in Fiji.


Even though it was our kids’ first live-aboard sailing experience, they loved every moment – from the deserted beaches, the remote islands, the snorkelling, the fishing, and the dolphins through to even the night-time peace and quiet spent drawing or reading.


And an unexpected and added bonus during the trip – minimal bickering or arguing amongst the kids, which is a common event back home in a house of 4 kids.

The experience taught us that we don’t have to buy things to keep our kids happy; all we need to do is spend time together as a family doing things we love.

Credit must also go to Sam, who ensured a memorable and safe trip to remote and incredible islands.

Bon voyage Oniva and Captain Sam, thanks for having us.

We’ll be back soon.


Vinaka (thank you)

Oniva, Anchored at Musket Cove, Mamanucas, Fiji


Please get in touch and we would love to help you create these incredible family memories Bula@fijiforfamilies.com.au or give us a call on 1300 564 466

Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji – Best Overseas Family Resort-2018

We are very excited to share the news that Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort, Fiji has been awarded the overall category winner for ‘Best Overseas Family Resort’  in  Luxury Travel Magazine Gold List 2018 Readers choice awards – well done Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort!

Fiji for Families has recently had some of our families return and it seems that they would agree.

“Jean Michel Cousteau resort was AMAZING! We absolutely loved it. Thank you so much for recommending it. The staff were incredible, the nannies amazing, the resort facilities great and the food was absolutely delicious. And the massages were so relaxing. It was the best family holiday we have been on.” – stayed MAY 2018 

OMG JMC is amazing !!!! We are totally ruined now,  pretty safe to say there is only one option when it comes to holidaying in Fiji. I can’t remember ever feeling so cared for, the team there are just genuinely interested in you and your family.  It was indeed fabulous.” – stayed MAY 2018

“We had a fantastic time in Fiji. JMC exceeded all of our expectations. We really couldn’t fault it. The staff, food, accommodation, activities and childcare – all amazing. We left wanting to come back and do it all again! The big surprise was how much kid-free time we had. I knew the nannies would be there to help out but I did t realise going into it just how involved they would be. For us it was perfect, we haven’t had a break like that for years! “ stayed May 2018

 “Just wanted to say thank you for organising one of the best holidays we’ve ever had! JMC was amazing – the male nanny option was perfect for my son he came leaps and bounds in the water and he didn’t want to hang out with us cause Bula Club was so much fun. Absolutely magical and a much needed break for all of us!”



To celebrate this announcement of Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji being named the winner of  the ‘Best Overseas Family Resort’ Luxury Travel Magazine, Gold List 2018 Readers choice awards there is a new stay/pay deal which includes 2 free nights.

 Stay 6 nights/pay for 4 nights  + Wellness week 27-31 Aug 18

For stays between 1 Sep -21 September 18 inclusive,  guests will also receive 3 complimentary spa treatments per bure  (choice of a ‘Bobo massage’,Cacao wrap or Sikeci facial.)

Alley Ramon, renowned meditation and yoga instructor will be offering guests twice daily free yoga classes accompanied by wellness lectures from August 27-31, 2018.

Get in touch for a quote for the above dates or any other specials and we will put together a quote for your perfect family holiday.

 Contact us on 1300 564 466 or email bula@fijiforfamilies.com.au



Fiji’s Luxurious Vomo Island

Why More and More Multi-Generational Families are Holidaying to Fiji’s Luxurious
Vomo Island



Just the word alone makes you feel instantly relaxed.

Luxury at its best, Vomo’s residences all have large in-ground swimming pools.

Are you envisaging endless white beaches? Turquoise waters just at your doorstep? Breath-taking natural surroundings with the breeze on your face and the sun on your back?

Honestly, with all this going for it, how could you say no to a holiday to Fiji?

And it’s easy to see why Fiji is a holiday destination of choice for a lot of families, particularly when you couple the magnificent scenery with numerous activities for just about every member of the family – from toddlers through to teenagers and even the Grandparents.

Fiji doesn’t just draw the average Mum, Dad and 2 kids

We are starting to see more and more multi-generational families choose to head to Fiji, with the luxurious Vomo Island being very popular with this group of travellers.

If luxury is your style, basking in lavish surroundings is your go-to, and you appreciate the unparalleled beauty and charm of island holidaying, then a visit to Vomo should be high on your agenda.

Here’s some reasons why you should give your parents or your closest friends-with-kids a call and talk them into a group holiday to Vomo. Honestly though, we can’t see you having too much difficulty convincing them!


The island’s resort boasts 4 luxury holiday residences (and they are in the process of adding more)

The genius behind having one luxury resort on the island is that the island is never busy. There is always a spot that you can claim as your own to enjoy as you see fit.

There are 28 resort villas to choose from, however for larger groups, consider a fully-equipped, beachside holiday residence that will accommodate your group comfortably and in style.

Your experience will be a combination of elegance and authentic Fijian touches

Each of the residences has something unique to offer and all have their own private stunning pool and entertaining areas.

  • The Beachouse – 3 bedrooms
  • The Palms – 4 bedrooms
  • The Royal – 3 bedrooms
  • The Residence – 4 bedrooms

Inclusions Galore

When you choose to stay at Vomo, your stay includes accommodation, all meals (amazing food), non-motorised water activities,  fully-stocked L’Occitane products, complimentary same-day laundry services, WIFI, tea- and coffee-making facilities, plus bottled water and soft drinks.

Take advantage of family packages, spa and wellness packages, dive packages, and stay pay packages and more.

There are a large range of water- and land-based activities that suit all ages and abilities. And you can also take advantage of the Kids Village for the littler people in your family.

Personalise your stay at the resort to suit you and your family

Travelling with your extended family or with a large group of friends can often mean compromising on your experience so that the group travels together.

This doesn’t have to be the case when you chose to stay at one of the residences on Vomo because of the privacy and location of the accommodations. Everything is literally available on your doorstep, including snorkelling directly from the beach.

Your group can divide and conquer all the activities, or you can take on the island as whole. Dine in the main restaurants or the stunning Rocks Bar the next then take advantage of the butler-service available in each of the residences the other night.

You simply shouldn’t leave Vomo Island off your travel list

Whether you’re celebrating a milestone or just getting together with a group of close friends, even a small wedding group – it’s clear to see that if you decide to travel with your extended family, then Vomo Island should be at the top of your bucket list.

There are currently up to  40 % off 3 of the 3 and 4-bedroom Residences at Vomo while they are building two stunning new Residences and an Adults only pool.

The following discounts apply for the dates 1 May – 23 December’18 and 08 January – 31 March 2019 (there will not be any work happening over the Christmas/New Year period).

  • The Beachouse 30% off
  • The Palms 40% off
  • The Residence – 30% off
  • The Royal – normal rates and specials apply


  • Contact Kate for a quote – click here

    follow us on instagram @fijiforfamilies


    Fabulous Family Friendly Resorts in Fiji

    Fabulous Family Friendly Resorts in Fiji

    Fiji is one of the happiest countries in the world – literally! A report by world-leading market researcher, WIN-Gallup, found that 89% of Fijians report that they are happy.

    Who wouldn’t want to visit one of the happiest places on earth? The Fijian people are known for their warm hospitality, friendly nature, and living on “island time”, where everything goes at a relaxed pace and there’s no room for worrying.

    And the famous Fijian hospitality doesn’t end with couples, as many of the resorts pride themselves on the attention they give to the littler world travellers, to ensure their holiday is an experience to remember.

    To help you decide which resort is best for your family, we’ve scoured the islands and found the best 11 kid-friendly resorts.

    Read on for more information (not in any particular order) about their kids’ clubs and what makes each stand out from the crowd.

    Picture:Malolo Island Resort
    Picture:Malolo Island Resort


    The Coral Coast is an 80km stretch of beautiful crystal-clear coastline providing perfect views, glorious beaches, and magnificent reefs just beckoning to be explored.

    The Coral Coast is popular with families because it offers a range of accommodation and activities to suit all budgets and holidays.

    Resort #1 Warwick Fiji

    PRICE RANGE: $150–$200 PP/PN

    ‘Kids are everything’ at the Warwick Fiji Resort and its kids’ club caters for children aged 3-12. The club has daily activities including craft, fish feeding, sand castle building, crab hunting, seashell collecting, face painting, treasure hunting, cooking classes, and much more!

    What makes the Warwick Fiji Resort stand out for kids?

    It has not just one, but two swimming pools. One reserved for adults only and the other has a kiddie pool perfect for splashing about and making a racket! The resort also offers a dependable babysitting service for younger children at a nominal fee.

    Resort #2: Outrigger Fiji Beach Resort

    PRICE RANGE: $150–$200 PP/PN

    The kids’ club activities are free to guests, and children get complimentary meals when they participate in club activities, which cover everything from water polo through to Fijian games designed to keep little ones busy and active.

    What makes the Outrigger Fiji Beach Resort stand out for kids?

    Along with their all-inclusive kids’ club, Outrigger offers a unique teen activity program for 13+ year olds to engage and enrich their Fiji experience. The program involves a range of unique cultural immersion experiences, one of which allows participants to go along to a Fijian school and experience island-life for teens first hand.

    Resort #3: Intercontinental Fiji Golf Resort and Spa

    PRICE RANGE: $200–$250 PP/PN

    Planet Trekkers is Intercontinental’s signature kids’ club that offers specific activities catered to children 4-7 years and 8-12 years designed to keep them entertained. Children receive lunch and/or dinner depending on which session they participate in.

    If your children are younger than 4 you can call on a resort nanny to mind your kids or take them along to Planet Trekkers activities.

    Teen Trekkers are also catered for with the recreation teams and can participate in many outdoor activities including pitch and putt, beach football, cricket, touch rugby, and beach volleyball.

    What makes Intercontinental stand out for kids?

    Planet Trekkers not only supervises kids on the resort, but also arranges many kid-friendly excursions to local villages, markets, primary schools, and other recreational parks, making their experience of Fiji exciting and memorable.  Don’t miss the Malomalo Primary School on Monday’s and Thursday’s (during the school term)

    The Warwick
    The Warwick
    The Outrigger
    The Outrigger
    InterContinental Fiji Golf Resort & Spa
    InterContinental Fiji Golf Resort & Spa


    Resort #4: Radisson Blu

    PRICE RANGE: $250–$300 PP/PN

    Radisson Blu’s Blu Banana Kids Club offers exclusive access to special offers for young guests. Children will be supervised during their time at the resort, on the beach, or in the kids’ playground. The kids club has planned activities for children ages 4-7 and 8-12, with babysitting and nannying services are available for the younger children.

    What makes the Radisson Blu stand out for kids?

    The Blu Banana Club creates a memorable experience for children when they receive their very own ‘Banana Passport’ containing exciting activities to complete during their stay. The Blue Banana activity team create magical adventures for the children to go on and keep them entertained, whether that be by the pool, at the secret garden, or down on the beach making boats out of coconut husks!

    Resort #5: Sheraton (the Villa and Sheraton Fiji)

    PRICE RANGE: $250–$300 PP/PN

    Staying at the Sheraton is synonymous with luxurious amenities and spacious rooms and suites designed to provide guests with a relaxing holiday experience. Complimentary access to the LaiLai Kids Clubs that have daily activities to keep younger resort guests busy and active.

    What makes the Sheraton stand out for kids?

    The LaiLai Kids Club is renowned for being one of the best in Fiji and offers a range of activities from Fijian language lessons through to fish feeding and face painting.

    Resort #6: Hilton Fiji Beach Resort and Spa

    PRICE RANGE: $250–$300 PP/PN

    The Hilton offers a luxury escape for parents and to cater for their children, the hotel provides a complimentary kids club that has a rich and varied daily schedule of activities.

    To mind babies and younger children, parents can take advantage of nannies and babysitters or the creche, staffed with qualified resort employees.

    What makes the Hilton stand out for kids?

    The cultural and educational activities on offer through the kids’ club are exceptional and include kids’ spa treatments, movie nights, dance lessons, wildlife excursions, cooking classes, and local crafts. The hotel also offers a kids’ dining program with menus available at all restaurants to cater for even the pickiest of eaters.

    Radisson Blu Resort Fiji Denarau Island
    Radisson Blu Resort Fiji Denarau Island
    The Sheraton
    The Sheraton
    Hilton Fiji Resort and Spa
    Hilton Fiji Resort and Spa


    Resort #7: Castaway Island Resort

    PRICE RANGE: $350–$400 PP/PN

    Families staying at Castaway Island can take advantage of great meal deals, kids club activities, and water-based sports to keep everyone entertained during their stay. The kids’ club is free and offers an exciting 12+hr program to cater for all children over 3 years old. Supervised adventures and education games are on offer that have been designed for fun and entertainment, with a traditional Fijian feel to them. Children can participate in everything from sand castle building competitions through to a torch lighting and lali drum playing.

    What makes Castaway Island Resort stand out for kids?

    The list of activities on offer at Castaway Island Resort is endless, and you can rest assured that your children will be well looked after during their stay. Night times provide opportunities for children to be involved in nature walks by torchlight, Fijian dance lessons, bonfires on the beach with traditional story telling.

    Resort #8: Malolo Island Resort

    PRICE RANGE: $200–$250 PP/PN

    Malolo Island is a volcanic island that is easily accessible by sea plane or boat. The Malolo Island Resort prides themselves on being the ‘real’ Fiji and offers traditional experiences to their guests. The supervised kids club, Yanu Yanu, is complimentary and offered for children aged 4-12 with younger children minded by babysitters and nannies at a nominal cost to parents.

    What makes Malolo Island Resort stand out for kids?

    The Yanu Yanu program immerses children to traditional and fun activities designed to educate and entertain. They will explore marine wildlife, taste Fijian food, experience traditional dances, stories, and cultural activities, and go on adventures throughout the natural surroundings of the island.

    Resort #9: Vomo Island Resort

    PRICE RANGE: $750–$800 PP/PN

    If you’re looking for the height of luxury during your Fiji holiday experience, then you can’t go beyond Vomo Island Resort which offers a superb kids club and reliable child-minding facilities. The Kids’ Village provides well-appointed indoor and outdoor facilities and a supervised program to ensure that your children aren’t just babysat but catered for during their stay. Children under 4 are welcome to join in the fun at the Kids’ Village but must be accompanied by a resort nanny or baby butler.

    What makes Vomo Island Resort stand out for kids?

    The Kids’ Village has a high-class playroom with toys, a media centre, cubby house, outdoor climbing frames, dress-up facilities, craft tables and much more.

    The Kids’ Village chef ensures that all prepared meals are nutritional and tasty and offer a range of dishes to appease all young palettes.

    Malolo Kids Club Fijian lessons
    Malolo Kids Club Fijian lessons
    VOMO Kids Club
    VOMO Kids Club

    Resort #10: Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort

    PRICE RANGE: $750–$800 PP/PN

    The Bula Club caters for kids aged 12 and under and is complimentary when you stay at the resort and has lots of onsite outdoor activities to entertain the kids, including: Kid-friendly pool with a water slide, toddlers mushroom cascading pool, trampoline and jungle gym, treehouse and flying fox.

    What makes Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort stand out for kids?

    Each day has many enriching activities on offer including traditional arts and craft fun, access to environmental projects, and marine and coral life explorations. Unlike most other kids’ club, Bula Club caters for all age groups and each child under 6 years  is assigned their own dedicated nanny.

    Resort #11: Plantation Island Resort

    PRICE RANGE: $100–$150 PP/PN

    Children are catered for in the kids’ Coconut Club, the creche, and indoor play centre, and child-minding services are on offer as well.

    What makes Plantation Island stand out for kids?

    A mix of daily activities are provided with kids entertained with indoor and outdoor games, craft and painting, beach games, bouncing castles, movies, marine wildlife, dancing, and many fun and varied competitions.

    Fiji is truly exceptional for families.

    It’s clear to see that Fiji is a brilliant holiday destination, and many of the resorts offer accommodation and activities to suit all families and budgets. And there really is no reason to worry about travelling with your little people. Their enjoyment and holiday experience are a priority for many Fiji resorts. Kids clubs are literally a world of their own and if anyone knows how to keep children entertained, its Fijians!

    Want to know more? We love to chat call Fiji for Families on 1300 564 466 or email us Bula@fijiforfamilies.com.au

    Hot Specials

    If you’re still a little overwhelmed, or not quite sure where to start planning your holiday to Fiji with your family, contact Kate for a chat or fill in our contact form and she will be in touch with you asap.

    Plantation Island
    Plantation Island

    VOMO – “2017 Best Overseas Luxury Property for Families.”


    And the WINNER is VOMO!!!


    For the second year running, Vomo Island has been awarded the overall category winner for “Best Overseas Luxury Property for Families”, in the 2017 Luxury Travel Magazine Awards – well done to the team at Vomo.

    Fiji for Families recently had some of our families there and it seems that they would agree.

    “Vomo was wonderful! It really felt like a holiday to us because of the nanny service.” 

    “We felt at ease with leaving our son with a nanny. The nanny service/kids village is terrific! They were just so accommodating with our requests”

    “We are indebted to you for introducing us to this beautiful island. We have forged friendships that will last forever.”

     “Vomo was truly amazing. Such a beautiful place and together with the luxury on an amazing island make for a great holiday.”

    “It is a lovely place and the food was incredible. The kids club was great …  the villa room was a cut above, light and bright and gorgeous looking.”

    “We had an amazing time. Loved Vomo and hoping to go again next year”



    The all-inclusive resort packages include all meals and non-alcoholic beverages. You can enjoy world class cuisine from the execute chef team, who haven’t forgotten the kids with a special menu designed to cater to their tastes. There are many extras thrown in but anyone with kids will know that the daily laundry service is the gift that keeps on giving.

    At VOMO, children are always welcome, so you can enjoy a true family holiday. If you have littlies under 3 they are welcome in the Kids Village with a parent or you can take advantage of the Baby Butler service.

    So if you are looking for accommodation in the way of a luxury for the family, you can take advantage of our stay/pay special which includes all meals and up to 2 nights FREE when staying for at least 7 nights – but wait there’s more – 30 hours FREE Baby Butler (nanny) when you book before 30 June 2017 (valued at FJD$450).

    Package price for 2 adults and 2 kids

    Includes: Return seaplane transfers from Nadi Aiport/Vomo/Nadi Airport

    7 nights accommodation in a Hillside (includes 2 free nights) or upgrade to the Beachfront Villas (perfect for families)

    30 hours of Baby Butler babysitting services (max 2 children)

    Valid for travel 14 Oct – 22 Dec’17 & 08 Jan’18 – 28 Mar’18.

    Valid for sale 30 June 17

    Package price for 2 adults and 2 kids fr. $11,459*

    *International airfares are NOT included

    *Terms & conditions apply: Travel to 31 March 2018, with some seasonal surcharges (high season surcharges apply). Valid for new bookings only.  Pre & post accommodation may be required due to flight times (extra costs apply). Prices shown are a guide only, based on low season, availability & subject to change without notice, ask Fiji for Families for a quote for the dates you wish to travel.

    Contact Kate for details  on 0418 211 009
    or click  HERE for a quote







    Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji – ‘Best Overseas Family Resort’ 2018

    We are very excited to share the news that Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort, Fiji has been awarded the overall category winner for ‘Best Overseas Family Resort’  in  Luxury Travel Magazine Gold List 2018 Readers choice awards – well done Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort!

    Fiji for Families has recently had some of our families return and it seems that they would agree.

    “Jean Michel Cousteau resort was AMAZING! We absolutely loved it. Thank you so much for recommending it. The staff were incredible, the nannies amazing, the resort facilities great and the food was absolutely delicious. And the massages were so relaxing. It was the best family holiday we have been on.” – stayed MAY 2018 

    OMG JMC is amazing !!!! We are totally ruined now,  pretty safe to say there is only one option when it comes to holidaying in Fiji. I can’t remember ever feeling so cared for, the team there are just genuinely interested in you and your family.  It was indeed fabulous.” – stayed MAY 2018

    “We had a fantastic time in Fiji. JMC exceeded all of our expectations. We really couldn’t fault it. The staff, food, accommodation, activities and childcare – all amazing. We left wanting to come back and do it all again! The big surprise was how much kid-free time we had. I knew the nannies would be there to help out but I did t realise going into it just how involved they would be. For us it was perfect, we haven’t had a break like that for years! “ stayed May 2018

     “Just wanted to say thank you for organising one of the best holidays we’ve ever had! JMC was amazing – the male nanny option was perfect for my son he came leaps and bounds in the water and he didn’t want to hang out with us cause Bula Club was so much fun. Absolutely magical and a much needed break for all of us!”



    To celebrate this announcement of Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji being named the winner of  the ‘Best Overseas Family Resort’ Luxury Travel Magazine, Gold List 2018 Readers choice awards there is a new stay/pay deal which includes 2 free nights.

    Stay 6 nights/pay for 4 nights + Wellness week 27-31 Aug 18

     Stay 6 nights/pay for 4 nights

    For stays between 1 Sep -21 September 18 inclusive,  guests will also receive 3 complimentary spa treatments per bure  (choice of a ‘Bobo massage’,Cacao wrap or Sikeci facial.)

    Alley Ramon, renowned meditation and yoga instructor will be offering guests twice daily free yoga classes accompanied by wellness lectures from August 27-31, 2018.

    Get in touch for a quote for the above dates or any other specials and we will put together a quote for your perfect family holiday.

     Contact us on 1300 564 466 or email bula@fijiforfamilies.com.au

    Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji – Revamped

    Located on a secluded peninsula near the beautiful unspoiled harbor town Savusavu on Vanua Levu (Fiji’s second largest island) sits a beautiful, luxurious, socially responsible and eco-friendly resort by the name if Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort (JMCR).  JMCR built in the style of a typical Fijian village is fringed with tropical palm trees and pristine blue waters. I’ve previously written about my incredible family experience here  (click here to read), but this post is a little different.

    On the 20th of February 2016, Tropical Cyclone Winston devastated the Fijian Islands. It was the most severe tropical cyclone to make landfall in the southern hemisphere. Cyclone Winston ripped apart the country and its people.


    Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort – Paradise

    But if I have learnt anything from my extensive time in Fiji, it’s that the country and its people are incredibly optimistic and resilient. JMCR was one of the resorts damaged by Cyclone Winston, and recently reopened their doors after extensive restorations. What makes JMCR even more special is that it stayed closed for over 6 months in order to help its 180 staff members and wider community pick themselves up before beginning their own restorations.


    My family and I were lucky enough to visit the revamped Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort on our recent trip to Fiji and it looks like a brand new resort, possibly even better than before (and it was previously voted the best 5-star all-inclusive luxury resort in Fiji and the South Pacific!) It was our fourth time staying at the resort (can you tell how much we love it?) and over the years we have become very close to many of the staff members there. Around 2 weeks after Cyclone Winston hit, my husband and four other men who we had previously met at while staying there started a fundraising campaign and then flew to the local village of Nukubalavu where many of the staff from the resort live. Over the course of a week, my husband and the other men fixed roofs, rebuilt homes and helped the locals get back on their feet. The guys said it was one of the hardest yet most rewarding weeks of their lives.


    PADI Bubble-maker program for kids from 8 years old

    So, we were all so excited to visit the ‘new’ Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort after it reopened in early September. As we arrived, we were greeted with beautiful smiles from the familiar staff as they said, “welcome home.” While to us it seems like only yesterday we were here, for the staff, it’s a much different story. However, you’d never know how badly they or the resort was affected by Cyclone Winston. Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort is back and better than ever! On our first night, we and a few other guest gathered at the bar for pre-dinner drinks, listening to the spine-tingling stories of what happened on the fateful 20th of February. After hearing about the extensive damage, it’s hard to believe that this resort made a full recovery. As we chatted with the other guests, it was clear there was a really warm and friendly feel surrounding the whole place.  Many of the guests were wondering how they could change their flights to stay a few more days and saying how great it would be to take their Fijian nannies home (each family is provided with a dedicated nanny for each child under the age of 6 years).   After drinks, we spent some time wandering around the new resort, marvelling at how beautiful all the upgrades and restorations looked. Here is a list of just a few of the new features:

    • Brand new spa building on the beach and a new spa menu
    • New boutique soft furnishing fit-outs
    • All bures have new thatching
    • An upgraded main pool area now featuring mosaic tiles and quartzon
    • New furniture throughout the entire resort
    • All new kayaks and paddle boards
    • A new pier that’s 500mm higher than the last
    • Upgraded WiFi
    • New landscaping and gardens
    • All bures, office and library hardwood floors refurbished
    • Brand new linen and mattresses throughout the resort

    Yellow-Fin Tuna caught by a guest

    One of the best things about Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort is that it’s a 5-star luxury (and eco friendly) resort, but completely family-friendly. There are not many other places in the world where you can have romantic candlelight dinners while on holiday with your children (and know they are going to be very happy).   Our kids (all four of them) absolutely love the Bula Club, so much so that I actually started to miss them because we hardly got to see them. I always insisted that the kids had lunch with my husband and I, but before desert was even served, they were just itching to get back to the Bula Club! And in all honesty – why wouldn’t they be? With their huge list of activities and children’s programmes they’d be silly not to. The complimentary Bula Club for Kids runs pool games, crab racing, sand-castle making competition, table tennis, snorkelling, kite flying, Fijian lessons, basketball and soccer games, rainforest hikes, bamboo rafting, village trips and so much more. If I were a kid, I wouldn’t want to hang out with me either if I had all of the above on offer. There is even a tree house in the gardens.


    Bula Club from above

    With the kids off at the Bula Club, we had plenty of time to relax and sip cocktails by the adult’s pool. And, when we missed the kids, we would head over to the family pool to hang out there (not that they even noticed us – they were having too much fun on the water slide). A few other highlights of our recent trip included a newly run kayak adventure along the Qaloqalo River through lush mangrove and past red coral to the stunning Salt Lake. We even stopped in the middle of the lake where there was a pontoon for the kids to jump off  and play around in the water. Our family also spent a day in the nearby rainforest, which was a great afternoon out for everyone. After about a 20-minute hike we were treated to a very rewarding swim and water-fall on the other side. Another thing we love doing when we are at Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort is going to the Saturday morning markets, which is  close by to the resort in the town of Savusavu and definitely worth the trip. We even picked up some lobsters, which the kitchen at the resort was more than happy to cook up for us! Now that’s what I call service.

    Savusavu local markets

    Savusavu local markets

    All in all, if you’re after a luxury getaway, mixed with a homely and friendly feel that’s perfect for families (and even couples), I cannot recommend the all new Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji highly enough.

    Take advantage of our Dive & Rejuvenation package at Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji special which includes all meals, soft drinks, bottled water, tea and coffee, plus up to 2 free nights and bonus diving and massages (when you stat a minimum of 6 nights).  Also included are most resort activities, snorkelling trips, guided excursions, and morning yoga.  If that is not enough what about ALL kids aged 5 years and under have the luxury of their own dedicated nanny from 8am – 9pm daily, plus the older kids get a buddy to hang out in the Bula Club with (they are in groups of approximately 5 kids per buddy). Massages and scuba dives – there is not much that is not included! (of course conditions and black out dates apply!)

    Click here for further details on this special or contact Kate on 0418 211 009 or email kate@fijiforfamilies.com.au

    Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort- Paradise for kids (and Mum & Dad)

    Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort, Fiji


    A luxury family holiday deal that ticks all the boxes. You, and your little ones, will be well looked after.


    This luxury holiday resort in Fiji is located amidst 17 acres of coconut plantation overlooking Savusavu Bay – a stylish resort that fuses contemporary décor with traditionally designed Fijian bures.  The resort has 4 swimming pools including a family pool and a designated “Bula Club” pool with waterslide. The luxury for less package includes five-star accommodation, all gourmet meals and more…even your very own Fijian nanny!

    Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort, Fiji has one of the BEST kids club’s in the world (now that’s a big call).  The Bula Club operates daily from 8.30am-9pm for children 12 and under, and includes all activities,  meals and soft drinks for children. Facilities include a family pool with water slide, Bula Club pool with water slide, activities bure, toddler’s nap bure, trampoline, swings, flying fox, cascading water Mushroom Toddler’s shallow Pool and playground and more. Nannies and buddies provide company, childcare and activity events throughout the day.  Children aged 5 and under have a dedicated nanny (wherever the child is) from 8.30am – 6.30pm daily + another nanny 6.30pm – 9pm daily. Children from 6 – 12 years have a Fijian buddy on a maximum of 1 – 5 ratio from 8.30am – 9pm daily. Teenagers have a dedicated activities staff member from 8.30am – 9pm.




    Here is some feedback from some of our past clients who have stayed at Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort.

    OMG. It was heaven. The kids were obsessed with their nannies, our male nanny was especially a hit – not just with our kids!

    We had so much free time we learnt to dive and really reconnected. It was bliss. Thanks for your rave reviews and helping me make the final decision to go there, what a special place. *********************************************************************************************************************

    WE had a fantastic time at JMC it is just paradise! I really liked all the improvements, but the thing that really stands out the most about the resort are the amazing staff of locals that they have there.

    Words cannot describe our time there! We are definitely making that our annual trip. From start to finish it was perfect

    Arriving and the children being whisked away, to adult conversations each meal, 2 exceptional nannies who loved our kids, extra activities like the picnic (as they call it) lunch on the island, dinner on the pier, deep sea fishing…. Everything was just bliss.

    Just perfection.

    Valid for travel 01-31 May 2018, 14 Oct – 20 Dec 2018 & 06 Jan – 31 March 2019.

    ex Brisbane from $4050
    ex Sydney from $4050
    ex Melbourne from $4150

    All meals, nanny service, lots of extras

    • International flights ex Brisbane, Sydney or Melbourne incl Air taxes
    • Return domestic flights from Nadi to Savusavu Return vehicle transfers from Savusavu Airport
    • 6 nights at Jean Michel Cousteau Resort in an Garden Bure (two free nights!)
    • All meals & soft drinks, bottled Fiji water, speciality loose- leaf teas and coffees.
    • Most resort activities
    • Guided snorkeling trips with resident marine biologist
    • Guided excursions & nature walks
    • Daily early morning yoga class.
    • For the children: Themed Bula Club, daily for children 12 years and under includes all activities, meals and soft drinks for children.
    • Facilities include a family pool with water slide, activities bure, toddlers nap bure, trampoline, swings, flying fox, cascading water Mushroom Toddlers shallow pool and playground.
    • Evening entertainment and supervision for children are provided up to 9 pm.
    • Children aged 5 and under have the luxury of their own dedicated nanny from 8am – 9 pm daily.
    • And your choice of:
      • Non – certified divers: Resort Course & 1 tank dive for 1 adult and 3 x 1 hour Bobo massage treatment for the other adult
        Or Certified divers: 3 x 1 tank dives for 2 adults
        Or 3 x 1 tank dives for 1 adult and 3 x Bobo massage treatments for other adult


    Contact Kate for a quote – click here

    *Terms & conditions apply: Valid for travel 01-31 May 2018, 14 Oct – 20 Dec 2018 & 06 Jan – 31 March 2019. High season surcharges apply. Sale to 31 March 2018. Minimum 6 night stay applies. Prices shown are a guide only, based on low season availability & subject to change. Seasonal Surcharges apply. Price per adult, twin share based on Fiji Airways sale fare, valid for new bookings only. Pre or post accommodation may be necessary in Nadi depending on flight schedules. Max 3 Bobo massages per bure to be taken between 9am and 2pm.